What is Psychotherapy?

Image from The Red Book by C.G. Jung
In the midst of our busy lives, which are fraught with numerous distractions and demands on our time and energy, it is often difficult to listen to the subtle promptings of the psyche. We often dismiss our gut feelings as irrational and fail to listen to the feelings of dis-ease that indicate something is not quite right. When we fail to pay attention to these subtle promptings they often become more intense, and present in the form of physical and mental symptoms such as anxiety, depression, myriads of physical symptoms and eventually even physical disease.
It is often at mid life when we have accomplished many of the ego building accomplishments of the first half of life that we begin to wonder what is the purpose of it all, because many of the goals we strived to achieve, and we thought were important, now seem meaningless. Psychotherapy is the art of listening to the promptings of the soul in order to discover its meaning and purpose for as Jung said, A psychoneurosis must ultimately be understood as the suffering of a soul which has not discovered its meaning.
By listening within through the process of dream tending, active imagination, internal dialogue, journaling, and creativity we create a connection to the Self and thereby to the source of inner wisdom. By making incremental changes to our thoughts and behaviors as a result of the promptings from inner wisdom we find ourselves making different choices and traveling a different path in life. Robert Frost hints at this divergence in his poem The Road Not Taken the last stanza of which states.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that made all the difference.
Jungian Psychology stresses the importance of individuation, which is the process by which we learn to become the person that we were truly meant to be. I invite you to take the road less traveled by– it really will make all the difference.
To make an appointment or if you have any questions please contact us.